SKRIVET: 2009-12-02, kl 19:32:05 | PUBLICERAT I: Lite Om Allt Möjligt

Lite Skämt

De här skämten hittade jag på en annan The Twilight Saga hemsida men jag tog bort några stycken då jag inte tyckte att de var så roliga.. Hoppas ni tycker om dessa.

- How do you stop Jacob Black from attacking you?
You pick up a stick, throw it and yell 'fetch'!

- Why can't people stay angry at Jasper Hale?
He calms them

- Rosalie Hale was told to find something just as or more beautiful then herself.
She came back with a mirror...

- Alice Cullen and the Hulk were on a cruise and the ship sank, and they got trapped on an island, who would win a fight between them?
There would be no fight becasue Alice would have seen the ship sink in her visions and never got on!

-Jasper will never be a therapist becasue he already knows how you feel about that.

-What happened to the man who kept a secret from Edward Cullen?
Nothing, Edward already knew what the secret was!

-How do you irritate Edward Cullen?
Buy him a dog and call it Jacob!

- How do you make Edward Cullen blush?/How do you flirt with Eward Cullen?
Picture yourself naked.


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